International Sporting Events – Takeaways for Hotel Investors

Introduction There is no doubt hosting a major sporting event boosts the profile of the country and city.  Who does not want to visit Rio after the recent FIFA World Cup and Olympics?  However, these events are only for a few weeks and even allowing for a year of visits from sponsors and managers in […]

HVS Cape Town: Hotel assets attract investor interest

The hospitality sector is poised for significant growth because of strong interest in local hotel assets, says global hospitality consulting and services group HVS. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, the direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in SA was R113.4bn in 2014 (3% of GDP). The contribution is expected to […]

Sun International subsidiary scraps development in South Africa

Latest Casino and Gambling News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Partnerships, South Africa Casino developer Emfuleni Resorts (Pty) Ltd has decided to abandon its plan for a mixed-use development, which included a casino, on vacant land in Port Elizabeth, South Africa adjoining the Boardwalk Precinct. The decision by the Summerstrand, South Africa-based subsidy of Sun International Ltd. […]

Real Options And Property Development Decision Making

Real options are increasingly being promoted in the academic world for use by developers to make more informed decisions on the timing of property development and the valuation of development land. The proponents of the theory propose that property development investments provide developers with several options that can increase value through flexibility of decision-making. Decision-making […]

Property Investment 101 – The Property Syndication Lesson

The recent reports and comments involving a very prominent property syndication company provide a case in point. Due to the inability of this company to make a mandatory distribution to its investors recently, various commentators have not lost the opportunity to criticise the property syndication investment model as being bad for investors. The main critics […]